Posts from 2023
Advent of Code
For many, Advent is a special time saved for reflection and preparation. For some, it's a time of waking up at dawn and solving algorithmic puzzles.
Thoughtworks Technology Radar Analysis: Key Insights from Volume 29
Explore the latest insights from Thoughtworks Technology Radar Volume 29, including emerging trends, recommended technologies, and strategic advice for software development teams.
Beyond Code conference and it's unique approach
In October this year I attended an IT conference branded as having a different approach than everyone else. I confirm that this is the case.
Lessons learned from my CTO
After being in GAT for over 2.5 years and working closely with CTO, I've observed and learned a lot. Here are some of the top lessons about leadership I took out from the experience.
25 aspects of remote work to be aware of as a manager
We are in the second half of 2023 and our approach towards remote work has shifted since the start of the pandemic from love to doubt. For a long time in IT, it was considered to be a benefit, what has changed since then?
How DORA, SPACE and DevEx connect?
Since the beginning of the IT industry, we couldn't find a decisive answer on how to properly measure software engineering productivity. In the last five years, there have been many discoveries on this topic - in this article, I'll try to unravel and connect the dots between the three most extensive frameworks that could bring us closer to solving the productivity puzzle.
Accidental managers
Every company wants to have the best engineers they can afford. Obtaining them is hard, but keeping - even harder! In some cases, it may seem that promoting a strong engineer to a leadership position may be the biggest form of recognition and a reason for them to stay in the organization. I think it often leads to big mistakes, and here's why.
Going back from workation in Athens: Unveiling Inspiration
I just finished my half-year workation experience in Athens, Greece! I have a couple of takeaways that could be useful for other IT professionals considering doing a similar journey.
Encourage your engineers to try AI Assistants
Entire software engineering community debates on the influence of current AI revelations on our industry. Most people tend to agree that AI will land an impact on how software is going to be built in the upcoming years - a good idea would be to prepare yourself and your colleagues for a change that will happen, or at least be aware of what may happen.
Evolution of my learning methods, part #3
In the final part of the series about learning, I'll focus on discussing topics of knowledge retention - from Ebbinghaus Forgetting curve, through plastic platypus learning up to PKM systems, commonplace books and Zettelkalsten.
Evolution of my learning methods, part #2
This is the second post in my series about my different levels of awareness around the topic of learning. This time I'll be describing areas like 'Just in Time' versus 'Just in Case' learning as well as the topic of 'Deliberate practice'.
Evolution of my learning methods, part #1
It's difficult these days to keep up with constantly changing technology. The common problem is proper motivation or discipline, but lack of direction or weak retention may be equally disturbing. This post is a first of a series about my approach to constant learning.